Saturday, July 16, 2005

Harry Potter


Yea! I finally got the 6th book, thanks to my aunt again who bought me the previous books. Don't be envious ok? Haha!

Friday, July 15, 2005



You're walking in a tunnel,

in an eternal funnel.

You wish to escape,

but you are stuck in your cape.

You think all is lost,

but wait, don't be afraid,

you'r nearing the end,

no more sand,

the light shines,

and nothing whines.

There awaits,

what you can't wait,



ah, another one of my master pieces. bravo jeremy, bravo.(Lol)

anyway, to those who are in a dilemma like me now, don't be disheartened because you are reaching the end where you can once again rejoice in happiness. :P


the 88th anniversary is coming...sick, haiz......will talk abt it next time.....

Thursday, July 14, 2005

88th anniversary

.........'can't wait for it'.................driving me nuts!

Monday, July 11, 2005


Firstly, sorry for only updating now. (but this is my blog anyway) Like I was saying, the last time I blogged was like last month so really sorry...

Let's see, what is there to say? Well, to begin with, the dance society performed yesterday on the NKF show. What was a 7 minutes show becames just 2 minutes. Nevertheless, it was still enjoyable and stunning. Saw a couple of my friends.

Oh yeah, the China people would be coming on the 5th of August and they will be staying for a week. Still trying to convince people to take in them as there are only 10 of us here to take them and 29 of them over there. Anyone interested can contact and tell me. Do not think it is bad and out of the world to take them in. Actually, it is quite fun and enriching. During the one week stay, you are able to leave school earlier and go to other places for sight-seeing. You may even have an excuse for not attending you CCA. Besides you get money for their expenses, like how cool is that? Keeping some for yourself....haha. But that's out of point. The best part is obviously making friends from overseas. Imagine talking to a friend in China via MSN, like that's way cool. Also, how often do you get to make friends from overseas? Makes sense? Think about it and tell me asap ok? Thanks....

That's pretty much all of the recent happenings. About me? Well, there's nothing happening to me now...seriously...ok, maybe there's something. but I am going to keep it to's a secret....a good one though.....That's all folks......byebye.....See ya!