Wednesday, March 30, 2005

~Hong Kong-Nan Hua Exchange~

b4 u continue, i declare this one of the longgest blog entry i have ever written. todae was the hk-nan hua exchange. students from Po Leung Kok 1983 Board of Director's College(kind of long eh) came to our school! :) they arrived yesterdae at the changi airportand went to the singapore river to catch a glimpse of the merlion park...heard they thought the merlion was a

todae, they came to our around 9 i suppose......we(councilors) were already there awaiting for their arrival. when we first saw them, it guess it was a moment of disbelief, astonishment, and anticipaton. i was in a way appalled. There students were ranged from 13 to 18 YEARS OLD! Although, i already knew that, it was still quite different from what i expected...

as usual, some of us were looking out for good looking guyz and galz and they indeed found some.....of which later we found out to be called SUNNY for the guys which was 17 or 18 and JASMINE or something around 16,17 or 18. they turned out to be an item too....hehehes.....anyway, they were welcomed and instructed on wat to do. they all looked so mature and cool looking. no plaits or pony tails, the girls were able to let their hair down, literally.

anyway, after welcoming them, we were supposed to go back to class and have lessons till bout 12 when we will continue to entertain and bring them around the school.......

"how do you think we can extract the DNA from the tomato?" was probably the last thing i heard and the long awaited bell rang.....i left the class and went to place my bag in the sac.....then went to the MRL....(area on top of the library) to prepare for the presentations we were gonna make for the hk ppl to see. my grp was about pop culture, the other was food etc.....i guessed i was one of the earlier ones from my grp and i tried to use some of the computers that were not occupied but apparently, none of them were able to be turned on......! :( later, after looking for something else to do, preparing the food, the hk ppl started to file in the room.

later, after some chaotic moments, the hk people began to start eating and we finally were able to turn on the yap turned off the power......duh....anyway, we checked our presentations and everything was fine until we found out that wasn't any sound! a radio was brought to save us and jay chou's songs thus accopanied us........btw, we had chicken rice for our lunch, apparently, it was a very bad representaton of it but anyways, couldn't beat hunger so we still ate.............after eating.........we were then formally introduced to the hk ppl. (some of which i got to knew when they came to my class to attend some lessons and to experience it) then, we were then all divided into grps.....thx to the special explanantions in cantonese...(if i hadn't mentioned, it was rather hard to communicate with them and they were expected to only speak eng and refrain from any other languages, so u shld noe wat

everyone was the n divided into grps and i was in the instruments grp.....then we started to introduce our ourselves and was interesting to noe abt them..........after interaction was time for everyone to listen to kyh talk....nothing interesting so i'll skip that....apparently the hk ppl didn't understand wat the chicken mcnugget he was talking after that, we started the presentations and everyone went to their respective grp of hk students were from grp B.....turned out that sunny guy and jasmine garl was frm my then started the presentations after a feel 'cold' moments...'leng chang'........we started to talk abt pop culture and obviously they didn't understand a single thing we said...u can see that thru their blank look from ther faces......but at least their eng is not that bad...pri sch level......

after a few agonizing moments, the presentation was finally over.....a sigh of relief.......i den suggested we talk.....interaction time....agians...........but this time, we talked abt more things and it was more abt lots of thngs and later found out they researched on singapore as was quite impressive actually......then we all exchanged e-mails....they used ICQ more as MSN was something that was recent. but still got some msn accounts.....yea! we then brought them around the sch apparently way back the schedule. but we still brought them to watch the chinese orchestra and dance...couldn't find the band...too bad.....we then brought them down to the parade square and they had their games.....whoever designed the games....they were like for pri sch kids! lol.......anyway,,,it started to rain in the midst and we had to stp everything....went to the conference room and knew had to bid good bye soon...

i cannot bear to say the good bye sad......cannot bear hoo....really grew to like them noes? they were such great ppl......anyway,it was truly a great experience....HONG KONG ROCKS! So superb, amazing, great, good, extreme, interesting, mindboggling, super duper......
(bad point found out abt kyh.....not sociable)

till then, see you guys...everyone..........lots of care........

from jeremy.nan hua.204.sjab.council.careforce.3rdlanguagestudent.


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