Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Time Race

well, i suppose i am gonna make this a long one as i haven't been updating...don't ask why...for starters, i guess i will talk about my progresses in school. i am now in 3o3, which i think are full of superly duperly smart people except for me. example? can u imagine when ur teacher asks the class a question and no matter who is called, he or she will know the answer? yup. that's how intelligent the people in my class are. in fact, the person that got first in standard last year is in my class too. (sighs) further elaborate, my class comprises of ppl from 2o1 to 2o4, with 2o1 being the dominant majority... as for my teachers, it is said that our class has the powerhouses. maths-mrs. b lim, bio-mdm surin, physics-mr chow, chem-mrs lim a.t and mrs foo, s.s-ms khoo, geo-mr yeo...

enough of me, let me talk about e orientation camp.

arrived in school and decided to stay overnight in the last minute. that means i didn't bring extra clothes. (ah...) anyway, assembly was for usual, and then was the preparations for the camp. went to get camp tee from nicholas and helped mrs lim to get the plastic bags for valuables with enna. then went to sac for briefing and later got to my station. my station was spider web->the game where you have to carry ppl through holes........u all shld was really hot, so i got sunburnt (sobs)....anyway, 1o1 simply rocks.....they are like so united and enthusiastic......superb class. and really have some good looking ppl inside
had dinner after station games and hid in a classroom with june, felice and enna playin crappy games....then was the campfire and me, elena, enna, and tengteng slacked at the fitness corner....later i went to see teng teng off(she was sick) in mr ng car.......talked to mr ng and found out ms ang went to hwa chong institution and ms choy went to jurong jc.......eventually, we went to bed.....

woke up really early, could hardly sleep. was too cold....i was pratically shivering.....went for pt, had breakfast and prepared for mass games......didn't take part cause like i said earlier, i didn't bring any extra clothes. so i and enna did some cleaning jobs and went to collect some of the belongings for the sec 1s. then was called to help mrs siew with some parenting course thingy. when i finally came back, the finale for the camp was on its way, and i found out that many sec1s had lost their stuff and conveniently blamed it on us......-_-U...well.....i really have nothing to say....after that, its finally home sweet home........


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